

What Is Forex Trade?

?It happens that supermarkets sell chicken or pork under their own house brands in unnamed packages, cheaper than the ones beside them that carry producers? names, and yet the two may come from the same farm. The trick is that the producers? cooperatives are forced to sell them cheaper in order to get their other products on the shelves,? he explains.

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Milestones In the History

?The consumer may feel they save some cents but they actually lose the traceability of the product,? says Turtiainen, not to mention the loss of income to the producer. From other countries there are stories that retailers collect payments from the producers for marketing campaigns they themselves decide or they change conditions one-sidedly during the contract period. UTPs can take place as much during contract negotiations as during the contract period.

When giants rule:
In Finland the food retail market is practically divided, with two big players that have a joint market share of almost 80 percent, but in other EU states the situation is hardly much better: the three biggest retailers share three quarters of the food market in Sweden, 63 percent in the UK and over half in France and Germany.